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Our Expertise in Financial Research
At Daruma Capital, we specialize in providing comprehensive assessments of selected companies, focusing on the risks and rewards associated with potential investments. Our approach includes a detailed ten year financial model with our  assumptions provided. We then use Free Cash Flow to Firm (FCFF), Diluted Earnings Per Share (dEPS), and Sum of the Parts (SOTP) models, occasionally complemented by comparable analysis to create a Net Present Value. Our commitment to rigorous analysis and data-driven insights ensures our clients are equipped with the information needed for informed investment decisions, making us a trusted partner in navigating the financial markets.

About our name and Logo: A Daruma is a traditional Japanese talisman associated with good luck and perseverance. It is a hollow, round, and typically red-colored doll modeled after Bodhidharma, the founder of Zen Buddhism. It is weighted at the bottom and when knocked over, rights itself.